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Hvis du havde været nogen mindre smukke, vil du lige har hørt en dårlig pickup linje. Har vi valgt at dele dem op i hver deres respektive kategori. Vi har inddelt alle jokes og billederne i kategorier så det er nemmere for dig at finde frem til dine ynglings.

- Derfor kan du med fordel give dig i kast med online dating i første omgang, hvor mængden af mennesker der kan afprøves på, er betydeligt større. Choose ten words that best characterize you.

How Creative Are You? How creative are you? The following test helps you determine if you have the personality traits, attitudes, values, motivations, and interests that characterize creativity. It is based on several years' study of attributes possessed by men and women in a variety of fields and occupations who think and act creatively. Disagree When you are finished answering all the questions, press the button at the bottom of the exercise to tabulate your scrore. Be as frank as possible. Try not to second guess how a creative person might respond. Consult the scoring key in the of the answers page to form a basis for comparing your scores with others. Please choose the approriate alternative: Choose A. I always work with a great deal of certainty that I am following the correct procedure for solving a particular problem. Undecided or Don't Know C. It would be a waste of time for me to ask questions if I had no hope of obtaining answers. Undecided or Don't Know C. I concentrate harder on whatever interests me than most people. Undecided or Don't Know C. I feel that a logical step-by-step method is best for solving problems. Undecided or Don't Know C. In groups I occasionally voice opinions that seem to turn people off. Undecided or Don't Know C. I spend a great deal of time thinking about what others think of me. Undecided or Don't Know C. It is more important for me to do what I believe to be right than to try to win the approval of others. Undecided or Don't Know C. People who seem uncertain about things lose my respect. Undecided or Don't Know C. More than other people, I need to have things interesting and exciting. Undecided or Don't Know C. I know how to keep my inner impulses in check. Undecided or Don't Know C. I am able to stick with difficult problems over extended periods of time. Undecided or Don't Know C. On occasion I get overly enthusiastic. Undecided or Don't Know C. I often get my best ideas when doing nothing in particular. Undecided or Don't Know C. Undecided or Don't Know C. When problem solving, I work faster when analyzing the problem and slower when synthesizing the information I have gathered. Undecided or Don't Know C. I sometimes get a kick out of breaking the rules and doing things I am not supposed to. Undecided or Don't Know C. I like hobbies that involve collecting things. Undecided or Don't Know C. Daydreaming has provided the impetus for many of my more important projects. Undecided or Don't Know C. I like people who are objective and rational. Undecided or Don't Know C. If I had to choose from two occupations other than the one I now have, I would rather be a physician than an explorer. Undecided or Don't Know C. I can get along more easily with people if they belong to about the same social and business class as myself. Undecided or Don't Know C. I have a high degree of aesthetic sensitivity. Undecided or Don't Know C. I am driven to achieve high status and power in life. Undecided or Don't Know C. I like people who are sure of their conclusions. Undecided or Don't Know C. Inspiration has nothing to do with the successful solution of problems. Undecided or Don't Know C. When I am in an argument, my greatest pleasure would be for the person who disagrees with me to become a friend, even at the price of sacrificing my point of view. Undecided or Don't Know C. I am much more interested in coming up with new ideas than in trying to sell them to others. Undecided or Don't Know C. Undecided or Don't Know C. I tend to avoid situations in which I might feel inferior. Undecided or Don't Know C. In evaluating information, the source is more important to me than the content. Undecided or Don't Know C. I resent things being uncertain and unpredictable. Undecided or Don't Know C. Undecided or Don't Know C. Self-respect is much more important than the respect of others. Undecided or Don't Know C. I feel that people who strive for perfection are unwise. Undecided or Don't Know C. I prefer to work with others in a team effort rather than solo. Undecided or Don't Know C. I like work in which I must influence others. Undecided or Don't Know C. Many problems that I encounter in life cannot be resolved in terms of right or wrong solutions. Undecided or Don't Know C. It is important for me to have a place for everything and everything in its place. Undecided or Don't Know C. Writers who use strange and unusual words merely want to show off. Undecided or Don't Know C. Below is a list of terms that describe people. Choose ten words that best characterize you. Press to clear the page. Creativity Score Find your score in the table below. Comparison Data 95-116 Exceptionally creative 65-94 Very creative 40-64 Above Average 20-39 Average 10-19 Below average Below 10 Noncreative To see how these scores were computed, you can go to of the answers page. Whetton and Kim S.

TINDER-TIRSDAG #8 De vildeste scorereplikker!
I feel that this adds some verity to the idea that I have a creative ability that is unusually high. Creative score replikker know by signing up for this free Beginner Copic E-Course guide you are also agreeing to be apart of my mailing list; where you will be sent my bi-weekly newsletters, free digi stamps and special offers on my online coloring classes. Der er utrolig mange måder at starte en samtale på. In evaluating information, the source is more important to me than the content. Gode scorereplikker virker kun hvis du selv tror på dem. I met that a logical step-by-step method is best for solving problems. Even if you choose not to have your activity tracked by third parties for advertising services, you will still see non-personalized ads on our site. Ja vi har alle været det, vi har prøvet at være nervøse, ikke pan hvad vi skulle gøre af os selv osv.